The Gard series is comprised of a high-backed bench, a table and a backless bench made in the same distinctive style. Their frames recall the sleek wire furniture of the Mid-century period, contrasting lightweight metal rods with sturdy wooden surfaces crafted from Sioo-treated oak. Together, the table and bench are a natural choice for food courts, cafeterias and residential care facilities, and ideal for reception areas, event spaces and rooftop terraces. Gard is robust enough for year-round outdoor use, yet stylish enough to complement indoor spaces too.
Length: 120 cm
Height: 137,5 cm
Armrest height: 70 cm
Sitting height: 45 cm
Depth: 58 cm
Vikt: 40kg
Length: 113 cm / 165 cm
Width: 75 cm
Height: 78 cm
Vikt: 33 kg/ 41 kg
Length: 113 cm / 165 cm
Height: 48 cm
Sitting height: 48 cm
Depth: 37 cm
Vikt: 18,6 kg/ 22,6 kg