

Modular Fencing System

Design Olle Anderson

Campo is a flexible fencing system made from hot-dip galvanized, powder-coated steel. The fence provides low barriers for a wide range of properties and applications. As a modular system, Campo offers a range of combination possibilities. The units combine to create railings for terraces, park fences and pedestrian barriers to direct human traffic. The robust components withstand passing traffic and harsh weather conditions.

175 cm
102 cm
102 cm

Dimensions and weight

Length: cc 175 cm
Depth: 90 cm / 110 cm

Height of posts: 90 cm / 110 cm. Diameter of posts: 12,1 cm. Length of sections: 153 cm. C-C measurement between posts: 175 cm. Distance between ground and bottom bar: 10 cm.

Product numbers and combinations

Ö17-23Campo staketsektion
Ö17-24Campo start/slutstolpe
Ö17-25Campo mellanstolpe
Ö17-26Campo vinkelstolpe 90º
Ö17-27Campo vinkelstolpe 135º

Append to product number


90 for 90 cm post
110 for 110 cm post

Installation type

M for in-ground.
N for surface mount.

Standard colours

RAL 9005

Materials and surface treatments

Made hot dip galvanized powder-coated steel coloured in black RAL 9005.


Nola uses high-quality steel with good strength in our products. Steel rusts if left untreated and must therefore be surface treated. 

Hot-dip galvanized

Hot-dip galvanizing provides very strong protection against corrosion. The steel is dipped into a bath of hot liquid zinc. The zinc attaches and creates a surface coating on the steel part, which is then taken out of the bath and drained of excess zinc.

Powder coating

Powder coating is a coating that is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. Unlike conventional liquid paint, powder coating is usually applied electrostatically and then cured under heat or with ultraviolet light. The result is an even, hard-wearing coloured surface with the desired gloss level.

Assembly and placement


Cast in ground.

Surface mount

Can be bolted above ground, to the floor or to a cast-in-place foundation. Bolts not included.

Some assembly required.


Powdercoated steel

Products that are powder-coated can be touch-up painted with alkyd paint.

Read more in our general maintenance advice at


Available in two heights: 90 cm x 110 cm (heights above-ground).


Campo is a flexible fencing system.


Modular Fencing System

Design Olle Anderson

Campo is a flexible fencing system made from hot-dip galvanized, powder-coated steel. The fence provides low barriers for a wide range of properties and applications. As a modular system, Campo offers a range of combination possibilities. The units combine to create railings for terraces, park fences and pedestrian barriers to direct human traffic. The robust components withstand passing traffic and harsh weather conditions.


Olle Anderson

Olle Anderson started his career as civil engineer and started his career at White Architecture where he is partner today. Anderson has throughout the years worked with interior architecture and furniture design and in 1975 he founded the interior design departement at White. Throughout his career Anderson has received praise and acknowledgement for his work as a professor, honorary doctor and designer across the world, and won the award “Excellent Swedish design” a total of 19 times.